Dillon Chaney
Articles Published
About The Author
Here to break the sterotype that jocks can't be nerds. I'm 15 and I love gaming. Gaming has helped me in many ways throughout my life, most notably when my father died. I love to write reviews so you guys can know whether or not to spend all your hard earned money on that brand new game or not. My favorite games are Deus ex, battlefield 4, the witcher 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and anything bioware (mass effect, Kotor, Dragon Age)All Posts
A massive, atmospheric world ripe for exploring is laid before your feet. For those with the courage to conquer it, you will be treated to one of the best action RPGS in years.
Dillon Chaney
Dillon Chaney
Apr 28, 2014
Best when played stealthily, Thief is an excellent stealth title and a welcome addition to your next-gen library.
Dillon Chaney
Dillon Chaney
Mar 4, 2014
Ghosts fails to stand up to its competition with a lackluster campaign, lousy graphics and the same old multiplayer.
Dillon Chaney
Dillon Chaney
Nov 10, 2013
The story of how gaming is helping me deal with the loss of my father, and why gaming should be taken more seriously - not dismissed as mere entertainment.
Dillon Chaney
Dillon Chaney
Aug 7, 2013
As always, I am late to discover a truly fantastic game. Here are my thoughts on the original Deus Ex.
Dillon Chaney
Dillon Chaney
Aug 2, 2013
In anticipation of the third game, I decided to give the 2nd installment a go, and I was not disappointed.
Dillon Chaney
Dillon Chaney
Jul 8, 2013
If Skyrim, Call of Duty, and Assassin's Creed had a baby, it would be named Far Cry 3.
Dillon Chaney
Dillon Chaney
Jun 16, 2013