Rocky Linderman
I’m a freelance camera assistant by trade, but I also love video games. I run a weekly podcast called Video Game Wundercast.
Rocky Linderman - Page 3
This is how Nintendo can become relevant in the home console space again.
Rocky Linderman
Rocky Linderman
May 17, 2014
NPD numbers for April put PS4 ahead of Xbox One. Titanfall retains the number one spot for the second month in a row.
Rocky Linderman
Rocky Linderman
May 16, 2014
Dark Souls is a unique experience that can't be matched by any other game.
Rocky Linderman
Rocky Linderman
May 15, 2014
These are the games and the memories they represent that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
Rocky Linderman
Rocky Linderman
May 14, 2014
Why do game developers feel the need to include stealth segments in games that really shouldn't have them?
Rocky Linderman
Rocky Linderman
May 9, 2014
Naughty Dog reinvigorates a masterpiece with The Last of Us Remastered.
Rocky Linderman
Rocky Linderman
May 8, 2014
The next generation of consoles promised gamers plenty, but how much of that are they delivering on?
Rocky Linderman
Rocky Linderman
May 7, 2014
Nintendo burned hardcore gamers with the Wii, can they regain our trust with the Wii U?
Rocky Linderman
Rocky Linderman
Apr 25, 2014