Samantha Wright
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FalseSamantha Wright - Page 5
The updates fixes bugs, progression issues, trophy problems, and inverts the Y axis.
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Oct 14, 2015
The game has been authorized by both Square Enix and Edios Montreal, but it is only a mod that requires the original game to download.
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Oct 13, 2015
GameStop will be closed Thanksgiving Day to allows patrons and employees to spend more time with their families and friends.
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Oct 12, 2015
Their ratings are based on opinions, content is available to all age groups despite an M, and the ESRB varies from other rating services.
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Oct 1, 2015
The Call of Duty Twitter account reported a false terrorist attack to promote Black Ops 3.
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Sep 29, 2015
October 1 is the release of Davey Wreden's new game The Beginner's Guide, but few details have been revealed.
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Sep 29, 2015
The bundle releases November 3 for $400. It includes both games and the Tactical Survival Kit Content Pack.
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Sep 28, 2015
The mobile gaming market is "not healthy" for a second PS Vita, but Killzone remastered and Wipeout could be a possibility.
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Sep 26, 2015
The Assassin's Creed series is definitely taking a step in the right direction with a different developer, no multiplayer, and more!
Samantha Wright
Samantha Wright
Sep 25, 2015