Could you imagine logging into your Xbox One, join a game session of Titanfall and end up talking to President Obama?
Well, that’s not exactly what happened, but some lucky gamers got the chance to interact with GameSocietyPimps’ “President Obama.” They are known for their impersonations and voice-overs. This time our President is discussing topics like aliens, the Affordable Care Act, gun control, the military, and why using the Titanfall Mechs could’ve saved some time in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Part 1
The gentleman doing the President impersonation is perfect and sounds just like him. There’s a perfect balance of relevant issues, such as the missing Malaysian flight, and humor. The best part is how these gamers participate in the whole thing without anyone getting out of hand or disrespectful. Just a bunch of people having a good time. They ask questions and the “President” answers.
Part 2
Talk about having a good time.
Part 3
On Facebook, they are known as Game Society Films. Game Society Films make video games funny and star Blame Society Film’s Aaron Yonda and FigureItOut Productions’ Adam Koralik and Emre Cihangir. They also have their YouTube Channel known as GameSocietyPimps. Go check them out.
Published: Mar 24, 2014 09:16 am