Reddit user Dudebot121256 discovered a mission within Watch_Dogs where it is possible to text Olivier Garneau, the CEO of Abstergo Entertainment from Assassin’s Creed IV.
Aiden starts out the game of cat and mouse by threatening the Abstergo CEO with the phrase “Requiescat in pace,” which you might recognize as the famous phrase Assassins mutter to their targets while they’re dying in their arms.
You can check out the full mission in the video above and see Aiden take down the slimy Olivier yourself.
The evidence continues to mount for the game worlds being connected later on in the game. When players enter the Secret Hideout you can hack one of the servers under the stairs. One of the ctznOS feeds reveals a father and son playing Assassins Creed.
The dad questions why the assassin is speaking with the person he just murdered. The son replies by telling his father that it’s like a confession, and that he is ruining the moment with all his questions.
Published: Jun 4, 2014 07:07 am