Super Monkey Ball a series that has grown in popularity. This game was originally developed for Gamecube in 2001, and later for the not so famous N-Gague in 2003. The game was developed by a division of Sega called Amusement Vision.
The series puts the player in control of a monkey inside a ball. There were a couple different modes of play, the main two being adventure and story mode. The player must traverse levels that have traps scattered throughout. There were also mini games and party games that could satisfy the multiplayer addict in us all.
Although Super Monkey Ball never had groundbreaking graphics, there was more than enough gameplay to make most gamers happy. The difficulty scale would climb pretty fast to give even the best players a challenge tough enough to frustrate them. I still enjoy getting up to max speed to make the monkey roll around in the ball uncontrollably. This series is still relevant today, but it’s good to look back at where it originated.
Published: Jan 22, 2015 02:42 pm